Have you been winding your strings properly on your violin, viola or cello? It’s not just about aesthetics or neatness. Properly wound strings create forces that can prevent pegs from slipping. If a string is not wound properly, the tension from the string could make the peg want to pop out.

To wind a string properly, follow the steps below:
Parts of the peg:

1. Thread about 3/4 to 1 inch of the string through the hole.
2. Push in as you turn the peg. Start by winding the string around ONE TIME towards the narrow (wrong) end of the shaft.
3. Bring the string to the other side of the hole and start winding towards the peg head. Crossing the string this way helps lock the string in place.
4. Neatly wind the string so that it ends snugly next to the peg box wall. This can help prevent the string from popping out. The tension from the string will also help keep the peg in the peg box.
Checking to make sure that strings are wound properly is something simple you can do to help prevent slipping pegs. Stay tuned for more tips on trouble-shooting more violin, viola and cello peg problems in the next post!
Great illustrations. Nothing left to guess. Eliminated all confusion. Ty